Smart Health

Redefining Healthcare Through Ingenious Perception

In the evolving fabric of global health, we witness the fusion of technological prowess and human centricity, reimagining the healthcare landscape. At the intersection of data-driven insights and personalised care lie BeEmotion's Smart Health Solutions. As the world anticipates a 10% growth in healthcare budgets by 2030, we empower patients to pioneer a proactive approach towards health, pivoting from treatment-seeking to disease prevention. As healthcare paradigms shift, including to both remote and automated services, BeEmotion remains committed to spearheading innovation and integrating holistic care into daily life.

Remote Vital Sign Monitoring
Immediate Health Metrics Assessment 

Real-time Health Surveillance: using non-invasive sensor capability, we support implementation of solutions crucial for monitoring heart rates, breathing patterns, movement trajectories, face expressions and behavioural analysis in the medical context. BeEmotion's edge AI eradicates the concerns regarding privacy, ensuring prompt and private health data processing.

Personalised Medicine
Customised Healthcare for All 

Tailored Healthcare for Every Individual: Recognising the vast physiological variances among people, from blood pressure nuances to lung capacities, BeEmotion focuses on crafting precise medical solutions. With the rise of privacy concerns in cloud-based platforms, our local AI ensures real-time, secure processing of sensitive medical data, keeping the patient's confidentiality intact.

Injury Prevention
Shielding Athletes 

Safeguarding Athletic Excellence: In the athletic domain, lower-limb injuries pose significant threats, constituting 77% of sport-related hospitalisations. BeEmotion delves deep into the analysis of ground reaction forces (GRFs), aiming to not just enhance athletic performance but also pinpoint injury triggers and measure the efficacy of rehabilitation programs.

Automoted Workflows
From small practice offices to large healthcare institutions 

AI is here to help, Not to hinder: maybe you are tired of constantly adjusting your light source or being continuously surrounded by several assistants while carrying out life-saving operations. BeEmotion AI solutions can both power robotic automation and integrate into your practice management software to help optimise your workflows, removing unnecessary activities, which cost time and money, increasing efficiency and so freeing up resources to be better directed towards improved patient outcomes.

AI Apps for Advanced Emotions
Understanding Emotional Nuances 

Patient assessment: Revolutionising pain management, our AI harnesses facial muscle movement analytics, facilitating pain evaluation especially in patients facing communication barriers, including Alzheimer and dementia sufferers and also pre-verbal children. 

Patient monitoring: Being in the vanguard of biometrics, BeEmotion ensures accurate patient identification through discerning their unique traits, providing security for both patients and caregivers in various environments. 

Patient profiling: Machine learning is harnessed for in-depth emotional profiling, applicable to a myriad of medical scenarios. From discerning patient reactions when receiving  verbal advice to real-time monitoring during surgical procedures, BeEmotion creates a seamless blend of technology and human touch.  

With the essence of data-driven intelligence and a vision for patient-empowered preventive care, BeEmotion AI Smart Health Solutions promise a transformative journey in the world of healthcare.

Ready to initiate your journey

Learn about our custom AI solutions

Ask us for a demo, request a kit or talk to us about how we can custom design a safety or performance solution for you.